Saturday, January 16, 2021

Fr. Michael Osatofoh Eninlejie, MSP - Homily for the Second Sunday of Ordinary Time Year B - January 17, 2021


1 Samuel 3:3-10,19

1 Corinthians 6:13-15,17-20

John 1:35-42


As we continue in the ordinary season of the church, we continue to reflect on the life and ministry of Jesus. We have ended our holidays and we are back to our working places, schools are also resuming tomorrow too in many places. It is the right time for us to plan for the year. We see Jesus planning his own life and ministry too by choosing disciples.

The readings of today are about the call of God for us to follow him and serve him. In the first reading, we see how God called samuel to serve him. We see how Eli the priest guided him and led him to know that it was God that called him. He was patient with him when he came back to him again and again. His countenance and readiness to listen to him, made samuel go back to him again.

In the gospel reading, we see how John directed his Apostles to Jesus. John showed them the lamb of God and the disciples left him and followed Jesus. The disciples followed Jesus at his invitation to know where he lived. His place may not have been the most comfortable place to be, serving God is not for comfort but psalm 84:1-7 tells us that the dwelling place of God is lovely, and one day in the house of God is better than a thousand elsewhere. There have been times that you know that you are at right with God. Those moments are happy moments.

In the second reading, St Paul tells us the type of people Jesus calls to dwell in his holy place. It is those who are Holy and those who make effort to be holy. What effort are you making daily to be Holy? Do you seek holiness in your prayer life, the Holy Eucharist and the sacrament of penance?

Do you live a sinful life? St Paul talked about fornication.  Many people battle with this vice, for some, it is stealing, lying, gossiping,  bad company and many others. God will not call us or allow us to follow him with these vices unless we repent of them. The 2 sons of Eli, Hopni and Phinehaz were at home when God called Samuel,  God did not call them because of their life of debauchery, drunkenness and sins of the flesh. There were many people on the street when God called his Apostles.

Let us ask God for the grace to let go of the vices in our lives, only when we make effort to be with God that we can truly follow him. God help us. Amen.

Fr Michael Osatofoh Eninlejie MSP

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