Sunday, May 5, 2019

Fr Ebuka Umekachikelu, MSP - Homily Monday, May 6, 2019

STEADFASTNESS IN FAITH: Stephen was the leader of the seven deacons, who were originally ordained to serve at table. With time, their office metamorphosed into the ministry of preaching as well. As the leader of the deacons, Stephen was a force to reckon with in the proclamation of the risen Jesus. He was not intimidated by the rulers of various synagogues, who teamed up to oppose his teachings about Jesus Christ. In Stephen is fulfilled the popular saying: One with God is majority. It is not a game of number but of faith. Stephen put his life at stake without fear. This is an extra-ordinary grace, for which we have to pray. In many cases, we soft-pedal, when our life is at stake. We use different kinds of defence mechanisms: silence, diplomacy, avoidance, euphemism, denial of faith, etc. In Stephen, we see a man who calls a spade a spade, no matter whose ox is gored. It takes one of great faith to put his/her life at stake for the sake of Christ. Stephen’s opponents lied against him. They accused him of blasphemy, religious violence and sacrilege. As Christians, we face daily all kinds of oppositions, most often in small measures. Stephen gives us a big challenge. Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul (Matt 10:28). Jesus says to us: “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit” (John 12:24). Even though Jesus promises us safety before our enemies, it is not always physical protection. Just as in the case of James, John the Baptist and Jesus himself, eventually, Stephen suffered martyrdom.

PRAYER: O God, we beseech you to give us the grace to remain firm in our faith in the face of opposition, even while in danger of death. Amen.

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