Friday, November 16, 2018

Fr Peter Ireorji, MSP - Homily from Thursday, Nov. 15, 2018

Many people are looking for signs that the Second Coming of Christ is going to happen soon. Tired of suffering, we hope that God’s total victory will hurry up and arrive. We want evil-doers to get punished and removed from the world and from our lives and even from our thoughts. We want Satan’s butt to get kicked the hell off of Earth. Today, Jesus is telling us the same thing he told the Pharisees in Luke 17:20-25: God’s reign is already here! The “end times” were initiated in the resurrection of Jesus and began when the Holy Spirit descended upon the earth and came to live in all believers. It’s an era of mercy, forgiveness and love, an era in which we continue the mission of Christ, overcoming evil with our own holiness. We are the Body of Christ on Earth and we do what Jesus did, through the Holy Spirit, to take others to Heaven with us. So why are we waiting for Jesus to show up? We need to live as if his Second Coming is going to happen tomorrow, but instead of standing at the window watching for signs that Jesus is going to soon rescue the world from evil, we are supposed to go out and do the rescuing. Shalom!

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