Friday, November 16, 2018

Fr Peter Ireorji, MSP - Homily from Friday, Nov. 16, 2018

In answer to the disciples’ question, “Where, Lord?”, Jesus answered with an enigmatic proverb, “Where the corpse is, there the vultures will gather” Lk 17:37. The point of this proverb here seems to be that just as it is sure that vultures will gather where a corpse is found, as surely will the judgement of the Son of Man fall upon on the wicked. Decisive action does not mean desperate action. It means steady and regular action. If one is at any given moment in time doing what one is supposed to do, it may be regarded as decisive action. A person engaged in such an activity is always ready. When the Son of Man does indeed come, then the choice of those who will be taken and those who will be left will be made. We are free to live as citizens of his kingdom or to choose for the kingdom of darkness that stands in opposition to God and his rule. No one can pass off his/her personal responsibility to someone else – no matter how close the ties may be in this present life. We will each have to give an account to the Judge of All for how we have accepted or rejected him as our lord and savior. The good news is that the Lord Jesus freely offers each one of us the grace, strength, and help we need to turn to him to receive pardon for our sins and healing for our minds and hearts so we can embrace his good will for our lives and find the way to our heavenly Father’s home. Shalom!

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