Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Fr. Michael Osatofoh Eninlejie, MSP - Homily for Wednesday Easter week 5- May 13, 2020

Wednesday 13th May 2020
Fifth week of Easter
Acts 15:1-6, John 15:1-8
As Christians, we are expected to love every human person and work for their salvation irrespective of who they are and where they are from. We are to see everyone as our brothers and sisters. It is a pity that sometimes, we allow racial and ethnic sentiments to cloud our vision of one another; people see themselves as better than others because of where they come from, thus they are not comfortable to see others treated the same way they are.
In the first reading of today, we see how some Jews who had become Christians, came with their Jewish attitude of regarding themselves as the only chosen people of God, and continued to disrupt the missionary activities of Paul and Barnabas. They believed that Gentiles cannot become the children of God unless they first of all become Jews. This was what led to the Council of Jerusalem Acts 15, where the Apostles were led by the Holy Spirit to state that in the house of God, we are all equal; no Jew, no Gentile, no white, no black, no rich, no poor. We are all children of God. It is therefore very important as Christians, for us to relegate statements and actions fueled by biases and ethnic considerations to the background. Things must not be done in your way or the way your people do it, when we all come together as children of God, we will be stronger. You may end up losing your own blessings if you spend your time and energy thinking that you are better than the other person and deserves to be treated in a certain way. God help us. Amen.
Fr Michael Osatofoh Eninlejie MSP

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