Thursday, May 7, 2020

Fr. Michael Osatofoh Eninlejie, MSP - Homily for Friday Easter week 4- May 8, 2020

Friday 8th May 2020
Fourth week of Easter
Acts 13:26-33, Psalm 2:6-11, John 14:1-6
It seems very easy to get many followers and sponsors when one is doing what is wrong. One may nevertheless become unpopular and lose much support when pursuing what is right. I can imagine the support Paul had among the Scribes and Pharisees and the elders of the people when he was persecuting the Church before his conversion. He was a very powerful man. Nevertheless, we see in the first reading of today, how he is struggling to make himself relevant to the people because he has embraced the way of the Lord.
One thing is very sure in life, when we put in so much energy to do evil, we will be very relevant at that moment, but since evil does not last forever, we will become frustrated when it ends except we embrace the way of Christ. St Paul appeared obviously irrelevant among his people when he embraced the faith, but today, he is even more popular and relevant than some of the direct Apostles of Jesus. We are therefore encouraged today to continue the good we are doing even if we do not have support, because our good deeds will be judged at the long run.
The promise of Jesus in the gospel reading of today, that he has gone to prepare a place for us is very true. Nevertheless, the rooms Jesus has gone to prepare will only be occupied by those who will endure in doing what is right to the end. God help us. Amen
Fr Michael Osatofoh Eninlejie MSP

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