Thursday, June 4, 2020

Fr. Martin Eke, MSP - June 7, 2020. Homily for Holy Trinity Sunday

Homily of Holy Trinity Sunday of Year A, 2020
We celebrated the Solemnity of Pentecost last Sunday. The descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles brings the work of the Holy Trinity to its fullness. God the Father is the Creator. God the Son is the Savior. God the Holy Spirit is the Sanctifier and the Renewer.
When Jesus was about to ascend to heaven, he authorized his apostles to baptize in the name of the Trinity. He said, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19). By extension, Jesus commands us to do all things in the name of the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. That is why all our prayers begin with the invocation of the Trinity, and end with the blessing of the Trinity. We invoke the Trinity each time we profess the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirt, and sign ourselves with the Sign of the Cross. It is, therefore, important that we profess the holy names and sign ourselves reverently. The sign of the Cross was known in Christian liturgy about the 3rd century AD.
St. Paul prays for us today in the second reading, “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you.” St. Paul prays that our existence be ruled and sustained by the saving grace of Jesus Christ, by the everlasting love of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit. St. Paul prays that our existence be rooted in the Trinity because life outside the Trinity is not worth living.
The Trinity is one of the most important mysteries in Christianity. That God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are three persons, but one nature, one God, equal, undivided, and no separation. We are not invited to fully understand the mystery. We are, rather, invited to participate in the life of the Trinity, and walk in the way of the Trinity.

Some lessons from the life and way of the Trinity:
The three persons of the Trinity are one nature and united. The word ‘trinity’ means a unity of three (inseparable three).
The three persons of the Trinity related in perfect harmony from creation to redemption, and to the descent of the Holy Spirit.
There is no inequality with the three persons of the Trinity.
The three persons of the Trinity are bonded in love and are undivided.
The life and way of the Trinity bring unity and peace.  Any family, church, community, organization, or country that walks in the way of the Trinity will experience peace. St. Paul tells us in the second reading today, “… agree with one another, live in peace, and the God of love and peace will be with you.” Where there is no unity, there is no peace; and where there is no peace, there is disintegration. But where there is unity, God reigns, and his blessings abound. Psalm 133:3 tells us that where there is unity, “There the Lord has decreed a blessing, life forever more.”
Unity is strength. When we work together as a team, with the same agenda and the same goal, we are most successful, and we make much progress. It is often said, “Where there is unity, there is always victory;” “United, we stand, divided we fall.”
We are invited to be rooted in the life and way of the Trinity. The crises we have all over the world are because men and women refuse the life and way of the Trinity but prefer the life and way of the world and the Evil One. The life and way of the world and the Evil One, such as, inequality, injustice, disharmony, hate, disunity, crises, and so on are opposed to the life and way of the Trinity which are one nature, unity, harmony, love, equality and peace. Has humanity not seen enough signs that what happens to one affects all; to show us that we are one nature, and are supposed to be united, work in harmony and live in peace? An English author, John Donne, in 1624 wrote, “No one is an Island, entire of itself; everyone is a piece of the Continent, a part of the main. … No one is self-sufficient; everyone relies on others.”
As we celebrate and worship the Most Holy Trinity, may the rays of their holy light shine on us and dispel forces of sin and darkness and bring us to conversion. May the rays of their holy light grant healing to us and our land. May the rays of their holy light guide us to the path of love, justice and righteousness. And may the rays of their holy light grant us protection and peace. Amen.
Fr. Martin Eke, MSP

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