Monday, June 8, 2020

Fr. Michael Osatofoh Eninlejie, MSP - Homily for Tuesday Week 10 Ordinary time - June 9, 2020

Tuesday 9th June 2020
Tenth week in ordinary time year II
1 Kings 17:7-16, Matthew 5:13-16
To be generous to others is a virtue that not everyone has. Many people cannot think of others except themselves. It is not the case that only those who are rich or considerably comfortable who should give to others. Those who have little are also called to share the little they have with others. Many people keep wondering why people get more blessings and favours from God, not knowing that their act of generosity and kindness has paved the way smooth for them.
In the first reading of today, one may see the prophet Elijah as insensitive and inconsiderate to be asking a widow who has a son to feed, to give him the small food that she had. The woman believed in the words of Elijah and did as she was told, and the rest of the story is well known. The woman was not only blessed, she became a blessing to others.
It is this same life of witnessing to our faith that Jesus reminds us of in the gospel reading. We are called to be the salt of the earth and light of the world, this we cannot achieve if we are not ready to reach out to others. Those we live with must feel our impact as Christians, we cannot be passive Christians like a light hidden under a bushel, people need to see us and taste that God is good, the darkness in their lives needs to be lightened. God help us. Amen
Fr Michael Osatofoh Eninlejie MSP

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